Making Time to Run - Balancing Your Work, Personal Life, and Workout Routine

Making Time to Run - Balancing Your Work, Personal Life, and Workout Routine

Time Managing Your Training with Work, Family, and Personal Life

When running becomes a part of your life, time management can become a challenge. Running is a time-consuming sport that is both exhilarating and good for your whole-body fitness. As soon as you achieve flow, you start to feel amazing, but how do you make time to exercise with work, family, and your personal life?

Mastering your run-life balance can be tough but finding that balance provides serious long-term rewards. Let's talk about balancing work and exercise.

Your Run-Life Balance

Run-life balance refers to the balance between the time dedicated to training and other life aspects. Work, family, friends, and additional pursuits must all have their place in your life, regardless of how fulfilling running is. The challenge lies in allocating time for all that is important to you.

Balancing Time

The first step is making time to exercise. It's best to choose time period that slot into your schedule where others aren't clamoring for your time. This is why early-morning and evening runs are popular for busy runners.

Early Morning Run

  • The early morning run is your chance to get up early, devise the perfect morning routine, and get your daily run complete before family breakfast, school, work, and everything else. Many runners also enjoy the beautiful peace and cool air of being out in the early morning.

Evening Running

  • An evening run has similar advantages. Choose a time when your family is occupied and take 15 to 90 minutes for an after-work run. Pack a runner's light if you're going out during or after sunset.

    Balancing Family & Friends

    You can maintain your personal life and your training schedule by fitness training with your people.

    Family Fitness Time

    • Get your entire family moving, stretching, and playing physical games. You can train for running performance while playing frizbee with the kids in the backyard, going on romantic bike rides with your partner, or having a living room dance-off on rainy days.
    • Making family fitness time a regular thing will improve health, wellness, and strong relationships for the whole family. The FlipBelt can make sure everyone has what they need for bike rides, walks, and days at the park.

    Training with Friends

    • Bring friends along on your fitness journey. While your friends might not be ready to fly down the pavement, you can take spinning or yoga classes together, add powerwalking to your weekly lunches, plan hikes on shared camping trips, and other fun ways to share fitness.

    Balancing Work

    Work can be a huge obstacle for your training schedule with hours that you're expected to sit still at your desk. But it doesn't have to be. There are several ways to incorporate daily training into your workday to stay fit on the clock.

    Lunchtime Stretch Out

    • Stretch out at lunchtime. An intensive workout or run might not be ideal without a shower, but you can limber up without even cutting into your mealtime.

    Deskercise Training

    • If you can get away with it, deskercise. Do exercises using your desk and chair. Do dips, free squats, calf lifts, leg lifts, planking, incline pushups, lunches, and anything else you can get away with. Deskercise while reading, thinking, and taking calls.
    • With a business-causal FlipBelt, you can even carry your phone easily and exercise around the building while still on the clock.

     Your Hobby on Your Time

    The best thing about making time to run is you can treat running like your hobby - and use your free time for fitness fun. Everyone has a right to a hobby, and running can be yours.

    Weekend Running Plans

    • Consider planning extended running routes for the weekend. Venture to a local trail for some challenging terrain running or chart a new course and discover it over the weekend. Running can be a delightful recreational activity.

    Races and Marathons

    • Plan to participate in races and marathons. If you get hyped, your friends and family are likely to support you and enjoy cheering you on from a sunny picnic spot for each of your events.

      Embrace Your Run-Life Balance with FlipBelt

      Balancing work and exercise can be challenging, but the result is so rewarding. Use these tips and convenience of FlipBelt to incorporate training into every available slot in your schedule while still making time for work, family, and friends. Contact us for more running tips and optimized gear.

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